CMM on the importance of China's software industry is what?
CMM software industry in China is very valuable, its importance is that its author, "Software Engineering and Software Capability Maturity Model SW-CMM" mentioned in the article "Synthesis of the menu and recipes" features. China's software industry is rather young professionals are young, the number of enterprises is also increased in recent years, up until not long-term practice by a large number of accumulated experience. Unlike foreign companies can do with old and new. Many companies probably not yet established a robust software engineering process. In this case almost a white, full use of CMM and other software engineering process management and improvement programs that can help companies quickly learn and build a software engineering process, and begin implementation of the management and improvement.
Using other people's experience has been, whichever part of their useful, or make modifications using as a starting point. Then, in practice, continue to improve, to be innovative. This should be our catch up with world-class approach.
However, in the country, many people talk about the ISO9000, you will be talk of "quality certification"; a reference to SW-CMM, you will be speaking "rating." This is a dangerous signal indicates that, if handled properly, the introduction of foreign software engineering process technology, the work is likely to take detours in the beginning, serious damage to China's software industry. The effort to discuss this question carefully, than to discuss specific technical issues are more important.
On the "quality certification"
First of all, to discuss the "quality certification" this issue. (Probably the wrong term originally referred to with the ISO9000-related "quality management system certification," but, speaking to "quality certification", the impact would be misleading.)
In my opinion, it was proposed to "quality system certification" as a breakthrough in improving software quality, the software industry to promote ISO9000 certification for the software industry as a strategic direction is a wrong approach. The business goal as a "quality system certification", instead of the actual product quality. In the pursuit of "quality system certification," we fancy, or even fraudulent "rubbish certification", "mismatch" phenomenon inevitable.缁撴灉灏嗕細鏄姵姘戜激璐紝鎹熷浜嗗浗瀹跺拰浼佷笟鐨勫埄鐩婏紝涔熻瀵间簡鐢ㄦ埛銆備腑鍥藉繀椤诲仠姝㈠啀鍚冭繖绫荤殑浜忥紒
銆?? 鎴戜滑骞朵笉鏄畬鍏ㄤ笉闇?鈥滆川閲忎綋绯昏璇佲?锛堝浜嶤MM鏉ヨ锛屾槸鈥滆兘鍔涚瓑绾ц瘎閴粹?鎴栤?璇勭骇鈥濓級锛屼絾閭e彧閫傜敤浜庡悎鍚屾壙鍖呬紒涓氱殑閫夋嫨鎴栧叾浠栦竴浜涚壒娈婄殑鍦哄悎銆傛悶涓?満鈥滆璇併?璇勭骇杩愬姩鈥濓紝寮勪笉濂戒細涓鸿蒋浠朵骇涓氬甫鏉ヤ竴鍦虹伨闅撅紝鍥犱负鎴戜滑閿欏け浜嗙湡姝g殑鐩爣銆傚悓鏃讹紝涓浗鐨勮蒋浠朵紒涓氬苟涓嶅瘜瑁曪紝涓嶄竴瀹氳兘鎷呰礋寰楄捣鍜ㄨ涓庤璇佽垂鐢ㄣ?鎴栬?锛屼粬浠篃杩樻湭鏈夎冻澶熺殑浜哄姏涓庤储鍔涘幓鍏ㄩ潰鎺ㄨCMM銆備竴瀹氳璁╀粬浠湁鑷敱鍘婚?鎷╀笌鍒跺畾涓?鏈??鍚堝悇鑷叿浣撴儏鍐电殑鍙戝睍鏂规涓庢椂闂磋〃銆?br />銆?? 鍥藉唴鏈夊鑰呮寚鍑猴紝鏈変簺浼佷笟鎼炩?璐ㄩ噺浣撶郴璁よ瘉鈥濆彧鏄负浜嗗仛涓箍鍛婏紝浣滀负涓?甯傚満绔炰簤鐨勬墜娈点?浣嗘槸锛屼负浠?箞浼佷笟浼氭湁杩欑閿欒鐨勮璇嗗憿锛熶负浠?箞閫氳繃浜嗏?璐ㄩ噺浣撶郴璁よ瘉鈥濓紝灏卞彲浠ョ敤浣滃箍鍛婂拰绔炰簤鎵嬫鍛紵杩芥牴瀵绘簮锛岃繖绉嶉敊璇殑璁よ瘑鏄潵鑷箍甯冧簬濯掍綋鐨勪竴浜涢敊璇殑鎻愭硶锛屽嚭鐜颁簬鍚勭褰㈠紡鐨勬枃绔犮?璁茶瘽銆佹姤閬撱?鐢氳嚦鏄竴浜涙斂绛栨?鐨勬枃浠朵腑銆傚疄闄呬笂鏄繖浜涘浼犺瀵间簡浼佷笟銆傚鏋滄病鏈夋妸鈥滆川閲忎綋绯昏璇佲?鎹у埌涓嶅垏瀹為檯鐨勫湴浣嶏紝涓庡疄闄呯殑浜у搧璐ㄩ噺娣峰悓璧锋潵锛屽氨娌℃湁浜哄彲浠ュ埄鐢ㄥ畠澶т綔骞垮憡銆傚鎴蜂娇鐢ㄧ殑鏄骇鍝侊紝鑰屼笉鏄?璁よ瘉璇佷功鈥濄?鎴戜滑鐨勫鎴峰拰甯傚満杩樺緢骞磋交锛岃鲸璇嗗姏杩樹笉鏄緢寮猴紝鍥犳锛屾湁鏈轰細鍦ㄥ獟浣撲笂鍙戣〃瑷?鐨勪汉锛屽崈涓囦笉瑕佸繕璁拌嚜宸辩殑璐d换銆傛妧鏈笂鐨勯棶棰橈紝鏄粷涓嶈兘鎼炩?鐐掍綔鈥濈殑銆?br />銆?? 璁稿浼佷笟鏄湁鍙i毦瑷?紝鍚岃涓氱殑绔炰簤瀵规墜閮芥悶浜嗏?璐ㄩ噺浣撶郴璁よ瘉鈥濓紝骞朵笖澶т綔瀹d紶锛屽洜姝よ嚜宸变篃琚揩瑕佹悶銆傛垜浠嚜宸辫闂竴闂紝涓轰粈涔堜細褰㈡垚杩欎箞涓?椋庢皵鍛紵鎴戜滑蹇呴』绔嬪嵆绾犳浠讳綍璇涓庤瑙o紝鏄庣‘鎸囧嚭锛岄?杩団?璐ㄩ噺浣撶郴璁よ瘉鈥濇垨杈惧埌CMM鈥滅瓑绾ц瘎閴粹?鐨勬煇涓?骇锛屽彧琛ㄦ槑璇ヤ紒涓氭湁鏌愪竴绋嬪害鐨勬綔鍦ㄨ兘鍔涘幓寮?彂鍜屽埗閫犲嚭楂樿川閲忕殑杞欢浜у搧銆備絾骞朵笉绛変簬瀹冪湡姝h兘鍋氬嚭濂戒骇鍝侊紝鎴栧畠鐨勪换浣曚竴涓骇鍝侀兘鏄川閲忓ソ鐨勩?
銆?? 璁╂垜浠湅鐪嬪嚑涓川閲忔柟闈㈢殑钁楀悕瀛﹁?瀵硅川閲忔墍涓嬬殑瀹氫箟锛?br />銆?? 涓规槑锛圖eming锛夛細鈥滆川閲忕敱婊¤冻闇?眰鐨勮兘鍔涚粍鎴愩?鈥?br />銆?? 宸﹀叞锛圝uran锛夛細鈥滆川閲忓氨鏄?浜庝娇鐢ㄣ?鈥?br />銆?? 鍏嬬綏鏂瘮锛圕eosby锛夛細鈥滆川閲忔剰鍛崇潃绗﹀悎鍩轰簬鐢ㄦ埛闇?鑰屽埗瀹氬嚭鏉ョ殑瑕佹眰銆傗?
銆?? 鍙锛屸?璐ㄩ噺浣撶郴璁よ瘉鈥濆畬鍏ㄤ笉鍚屼簬鐪熸鐨勪骇鍝佽川閲忥紝绉颁箣涓衡?璐ㄩ噺璁よ瘉鈥濓紝鏇存槸涓?璇銆?br />銆?? 鎴戜滑搴斿綋寤虹珛涓?鍋ュ悍鐨勬爣鍑嗭細鈥滃湪璐ㄩ噺闈㈠墠浜轰汉骞崇瓑鈥濄?榧撳姳浼佷笟鍦ㄥ紑鍙戝拰鍒堕?鍑洪珮璐ㄩ噺鐨勪骇鍝侊紝鎻愪緵楂樿川閲忕殑瀹㈡埛鏈嶅姟鏂归潰杩涜绔炰簤銆傚獟浣撹瀹d紶杩欎袱绉嶈川閲忋?鍦ㄦ姤閬撹蒋浠朵紒涓氱殑杩囩▼绠$悊涓庢敼杩涚殑鎴愭晥鏃讹紝璋堢殑杩樺簲璇ユ槸杩欎袱绉嶈川閲忥紝鑰岀粷涓嶆槸鎶婇?杩囦簡鈥滆璇佲?鎴栤?璇勯壌鈥濅綔涓轰竴绉嶇粓鏋佺殑鎴愭灉鏉ュ浼犮?
銆?? 杩欓噷蹇呴』娉ㄦ剰鍒帮紝涓?簺浠庝簨鍜ㄨ涓氬姟鐨勫叕鍙告湁鎰忓じ澶р?璁よ瘉鈥濈殑浣滅敤銆傛湁浜涚敋鑷充弗閲嶅埌鏄庣煡琚瘎閴寸殑瀵硅薄骞舵湭绗﹀悎鏉′欢鍘诲紑灞曗?璇勭骇鈥濓紝鎴栨槸鍦ㄨ瘎閴磋繃绋嬩腑鏈夋剰鏀炬按锛屼互婊¤冻瀹㈡埛鐨勮姹傘?杩欑鐜拌薄锛屼竴鍒囨湁鍏崇殑鏂归潰閮借鏈夋竻閱掔殑澶磋剳銆傝繖绉嶅挩璇㈠叕鍙稿彧姹傛敹鍏ワ紝浠栦滑鏄笉绠″鎴锋槸鍚︾湡姝f彁楂樹簡杞欢鑳藉姏鐨勩?閫氳繃杩欑鎵嬫鑾峰彇鈥滆璇佲?鎴栭?杩団?璇勭骇鈥濈殑浼佷笟锛屽疄闄呮槸鍦ㄨ嚜娆烘浜恒?浠ヤ负鏄嬁鍒颁簡浠?箞鈥滈?琛岃瘉鈥濓紝浣嗘病鎰忚瘑鍒帮紝缂轰箯鐪熸鐨勮川閲忥紝鏈?粓鏄琚?椹遍?鍑哄鈥濈殑銆?br />銆?? 璁╂垜浠粩缁嗗湴鑰冭檻涓?笅涓や釜闂锛?br />銆?? 1銆佲?璐ㄩ噺浣撶郴璁よ瘉鈥濈殑缁撴灉鍙潬鍚楋紵
銆?? 2銆侀?杩囦簡鈥滆川閲忎綋绯昏璇佲?涔嬪悗锛屼紒涓氬氨涓?畾鑳藉紑鍙戠敓浜у嚭楂樿川閲忕殑杞欢浜у搧浜嗗悧锛熸病鍋氣?璐ㄩ噺浣撶郴璁よ瘉鈥濓紝灏变笉鑳藉紑鍙戠敓浜у嚭楂樿川閲忕殑杞欢浜у搧浜嗗悧锛?br />銆?? 绛旀閮芥槸锛氣?涓嶁?銆傚洜涓哄叧閿苟涓嶆槸鈥滆璇佲?涓嶁?璁よ瘉鈥濄?
銆?? 鍥藉唴涓庡浗澶栭兘鏈夋湁鍏崇殑鏂囩珷璁鸿堪杩欎簺闂骞朵笖涓惧嚭浜嗗叿浣撶殑瀹炰緥銆傚洜姝わ紝鍏抽敭鏄紒涓氬唴閮ㄧ殑瀹為檯杩愪綔锛屸?璐ㄩ噺浣撶郴璁よ瘉鈥濅繚璇佷笉浜嗕粈涔堛?
銆?? 杩欏彲浠ヨ鏄竴涓父璇嗘?鐨勯棶棰樸?鍦ㄧ幇瀹炵殑鐢熸椿涓紝鍚屾牱鏄湪瀛︽牎涓墍鏈夌鐩兘鑰冩弧鍒嗙殑瀛︾敓锛屽湪宸ヤ綔涓殑琛ㄧ幇浼氬ぇ涓嶇浉鍚岋紱鏈夐珮瀛︿綅鐨勪汉涓嶄竴瀹氳兘鍑哄ソ鎴愭灉锛涘叿鏈夊悓鏍蜂笓涓氱骇鍒殑浜猴紝宸ヤ綔瀹炵哗浼氭湁澶╁¥涔嬪埆銆傚洜姝わ紝鐗囬潰鍦板己璋冨拰渚濊禆鑰冩牳璇勯壌鏄潪甯稿嵄闄╃殑銆?br />銆?? 杞昏涓庤糠淇W-CMM閮芥槸閿欒鐨勬?搴︺?搴斿綋鎶婂畠浣滀负鍙傝?璧勬枡锛屽氨璞′竴鏈煇闂村悕楗簵缂栫殑鈥滆彍璋卞ぇ鍏ㄢ?銆佷竴鏈煇缇庢湳瀛﹂櫌缂栫殑鈥滄补鐢绘妧娉曗?銆佹垨鏌愬嚭鐗堢ぞ缂栫殑涓?湰鈥滃啓浣滄暀绋嬧?銆傚浣曠悊瑙e弬鑰冭祫鏂欑殑鍐呭鐨勭伒榄傦紝瀛﹀埌鍏朵腑鐨勫熀鏈師鍒欎笌鐩爣锛屽苟缁撳悎鑷繁鐨勫疄闄呭姞浠ョ伒娲昏繍鐢紝鎵嶆槸鎴戜滑搴斿彇鐨勬?搴︺?
銆?? 鍏抽敭鏄粈涔堬紵鍏抽敭鏄紒涓氬疄琛岃繃绋嬬鐞嗕笌鏀硅繘锛岀湡姝h揪鍒版寜鏃躲?鎸夐绠楀湴寮?彂鐢熶骇鍑洪珮璐ㄩ噺鐨勮蒋浠朵骇鍝併?缁欑敤鎴锋嬁鍑洪珮璐ㄩ噺鐨勪骇鍝佹潵锛佸湪杩欓噷锛屸?璁よ瘉鈥濅笌鈥滆瘎閴粹?閮戒笉鏄繀椤荤殑銆?br />銆?? 鈥滅敤鍙嬧?銆佲?閲戣澏鈥濈瓑浼佷笟鍦ㄨ蒋浠惰繃绋嬬鐞嗘柟闈㈡墍鍙栧緱鐨勬垚缁╋紝鍏抽敭鏄敱浜庨瀵煎眰鐨勯噸瑙嗗拰鍙備笌锛岃嚧鍔涗簬瀹炶川鐨勫唴閮ㄨ繃绋嬫敼杩涖?娌℃湁鈥滆璇佲?锛屼粬浠悓鏍蜂細鎴愬姛銆?br />銆?? 杞欢浼佷笟閮藉笇鏈涜兘澶熺敓瀛樹笌鍙戝睍锛岄兘甯屾湜鑳藉缓绔嬭繃绋嬬鐞嗕笌鏀硅繘锛屼互鎻愰珮鑷韩鐨勮兘鍔涳紝骞朵笉闇?鍒汉鍘昏揩銆傛湁浜鸿锛岃蒋浠朵笟鎺ㄥ箍ISO9000璁よ瘉锛屽簲鏄互浼佷笟鑷効涓哄墠鎻愩?浣嗘槸锛屽綋鐩稿叧鐨勬斂绛栦笂鏈夎繖涔堜竴浜涙潯鏂囷細鈥滈?杩嘔SO9000浣撶郴璁よ瘉鐨勪紒涓氾紝浼樺厛锛庯紟锛庯紝浼樺厛锛庯紟锛庯紱鏀垮簻浼樺厛閲囪喘閫氳繃ISO9000浣撶郴璁よ瘉鐨勪紒涓氱殑浜у搧銆傗?銆佲?浼樺厛鏀寔鍜屾帹骞块?杩囪川閲忚璇佷紒涓氱殑杞欢浜у搧銆傗?鐨勬椂鍊欙紝鍝竴涓紒涓氳繕鍙互鈥滆嚜鎰库?鍛紵浠庤繖涔堜竴浜涙潯鏂囦腑锛屼汉浠棤娉曚笉寰楀嚭杩欎箞涓?釜缁撹锛欼SO9000浣撶郴璁よ瘉锛屾瘮瀹為檯鐨勪骇鍝佽川閲忔洿閲嶈锛?br />銆?? 绗旇?璁や负锛岃閫傚綋鎺у埗鈥滆璇佲?涓庘?璇勭骇鈥濈殑浣跨敤銆傚彧鏈夊湪鏃犳硶瀵规渶缁堜骇鍝佺殑璐ㄩ噺杩涜閴村畾锛堜緥濡傦紝鍙戝嚭杞欢鍚堝悓锛夌殑鏃跺?锛屾墠搴旂敤杩欑被鏂规硶銆?br />銆?? 绗旇?寤鸿锛屾湁鍏抽儴闂ㄦ槸鍚﹀彲浠ヨ?铏戞垚绔嬩竴涓蒋浠朵骇鍝佽川閲忛壌瀹氱郴缁燂紝瀵逛笂甯傜殑鍚岀被杞欢杩涜娴嬭瘯姣旇緝锛岃瘎瀹氬垎鏁帮紝鍏竷缁撴灉銆傛祴璇曚汉鍛樺彲鍒嗕负涓ょ被锛氫笓涓氬伐绋嬪笀涓庝骇鍝佺敤鎴枫?娴嬭瘯鐨勯」鐩彲浠ュ悇鏂归鍏堝晢瀹氥?鍙粠鏈?畝鍗曠殑涓ょ偣鍋氳捣锛?锛庤鏄庝功鏄惁娓呮櫚銆?2.浜у搧鏄惁濡傚疄鎵ц璇存槑涔︿腑鐨勫悇绉嶅姛鑳姐?
銆?? 涓句竴涓緥瀛愶紝纭呰胺杩欓噷鏈変竴闂村叕鍙革紝涓撻棬浣滅數璺豢鐪熷櫒鐨勮瘎姣斻?浠栦滑璁捐鍑轰簡涓?郴鍒楃殑娴嬭瘯椤圭洰锛岀敤浠ユ瘮杈冨悇浜у搧鍦ㄤ笉鍚屽钩鍙颁笂杩愯锛屽涓嶅悓绫诲瀷鐨勭數璺繘琛屼豢鐪熸椂鐨勫姛鑳借〃鐜般?浠栦滑鐨勮瘎姣旂粨鏋滄槸寰堟湁鏉冨▉鐨勶紝鎴愪簡鐢ㄦ埛閫夎喘浜у搧鐨勪緷鎹?鑰屼豢鐪熷櫒鐨勫埗浣滃巶瀹跺垯涓嶆柇鍔姏鏀硅繘浜у搧锛屼互鏈熷湪涓嬩竴娆¤瘎姣斾腑鏈夋洿濂界殑琛ㄧ幇銆傝繖闂磋瘎姣斿叕鍙告槸闄勫睘浜庝竴涓數瀛愪笓涓氬垔鐗╃殑銆備粬浠悜鍙傚姞璇勬瘮鐨勫巶瀹舵敹鍙栬瘎姣旇垂鐢ㄣ?鎴戜滑鍙互鐢ㄥ悇绉嶇伒娲荤殑鏂瑰紡杩涜瀹樺姙鎴栨皯鍔炵殑璇勬瘮銆?br />銆?? 绗旇?浣跨敤鐨勪竴涓浗浜ц蒋浠讹紝鍦ㄥ姛鑳界殑瀹炵幇涓婇敊璇緢澶氾紝鑷涓洪鍏堢殑鏍稿績鎶?湳绔熷甫鏈夎繚鑳屼竴鑸父璇嗙殑缁撴灉锛岀敋鑷充骇鍝佽鏄庝功涓庡疄闄呬骇鍝佸畬鍏ㄥ涓嶄笂鍙枫?鍊熺敤涓?綅鍥藉唴鍚岃鐨勮瘽锛氣?绠?洿涓嶈兘鐩镐俊杩欐牱鐨勪骇鍝佺珵鑳藉閫氳繃浠栦滑鑷繁鐨勮川妫?叧锛佲?浣嗘垜鐩镐俊锛岃繖绫诲叕鍙告槸婊℃湁鍙兘浼氳姳鍔涙皵鍘婚?杩団?璐ㄩ噺璁よ瘉鈥濈殑銆?br />銆?? 鎴戜滑搴旇鍋氱殑鏄紝甯姪浼佷笟璁よ瘑瀹炶杩囩▼绠$悊涓庢敼杩涚殑閲嶈鎬э紝鍚戜粬浠彁渚涙湁鍏崇殑鐭ヨ瘑涓庤鎭紝涓庝粬浠竴閬撹В鍐抽亣鍒扮殑鍥伴毦锛屽崗鍔╀紒涓氶棿浜ゆ祦缁忛獙锛屽ぇ鍔涘浼犱紒涓氱敱浜庡疄琛岃繃绋嬬鐞嗕笌鏀硅繘鑰屽彇寰楃殑鏈?粓浜у搧涓庣敤鎴锋湇鍔¤川閲忓強浼佷笟涓氱哗鐨勬垚鏋滐紝浠ヨ繖浜涙垚鏋滄潵杩涜绔炰簤銆傛湁鍏崇殑浠庝笟浜哄憳銆佷笓瀹跺鑰呬笌濯掍綋鍦ㄨ繖浜涙椿鍔ㄤ腑鍙互澶ф湁浣滀负锛屼綔鍑哄簲鏈夌殑璐$尞銆?br />銆?? 瀵瑰湪涓浗杞欢浜т笟涓簲鐢–MM鐨勪竴浜涘缓璁?br />銆?? 鐜板湪锛岃鎴戜滑鐪嬬湅SW鈥擟MM鐨勫涓嬩笁椤圭敤閫旓細
銆?? 1銆佺敤浜庤蒋浠惰繃绋嬬殑鏀硅繘銆?(SPI, Software Process Improvement)
銆?? 甯姪杞欢浼佷笟瀵瑰叾杞欢杩囩▼鐨勬敼鍙樿繘琛岃鍒掋?鍙戝睍浠ュ強瀹炴柦銆?br />銆?? 2銆佺敤浜庤蒋浠惰繃绋嬭瘎浼般? (SPA, Software Process Assessment)
銆?? 鍦ㄨ瘎浼颁腑锛屼竴缁勭粡杩囧煿璁殑杞欢涓撲笟浜哄憳纭畾鍑轰竴涓紒涓氳蒋浠惰繃绋嬬殑鐘跺喌锛岀‘瀹氬嚭璇ヤ紒涓氭墍闈㈠鐨勪笌杞欢杩囩▼鏈夊叧鐨勬渶杩垏鐨勬墍鏈夐棶棰橈紝浠ュ強鍙栧緱浼佷笟涓?骇瀵硅蒋浠惰繃绋嬫敼杩涚殑鏀寔銆?(This is to implement on a conducted.)
銆?? 3銆佽蒋浠惰兘鍔涜瘎閴淬? (SCE, Software Capabili Evaluation)
銆?? 鍦ㄨ兘鍔涜瘎浠蜂腑锛屼竴缁勭粡杩囧煿璁殑涓撲笟浜哄憳閴村埆鍑哄悎鏍肩殑杞欢鍚堝悓鎵垮寘鑰咃紱鎴栬?鏄鏌ョ洃瑙嗘鐢ㄤ簬杞欢鍒朵綔鐨勮蒋浠惰繃绋嬬殑鐘跺喌銆?br />銆?? 涓婅堪鐨勭涓夐」锛屸?杞欢鑳藉姏璇勯壌鈥濇湰鏉ュ苟涓嶆槸杞欢宸ョ▼鐮旂┒鎵?垱閫犲嚭SW鈥擟MM鏃剁殑鐢ㄩ?鐩爣涔嬩竴銆?In the SW-CMM to help some commercial companies successfully improve their software process, the U.S. Air Force Electronic Systems Command asked the Software Engineering Institute has developed a way to evaluate software contracts for contractors; Therefore, software process improvement (SPI) for this purpose in addition, SW-CMM Software Capability Evaluation increased (SCE) the new use.
銆?? 杩欓噷蹇呴』瑕佹敞鎰忓尯鍒嗏?杞欢杩囩▼璇勪及鈥濅笌鈥滆蒋浠惰兘鍔涜瘎閴粹?鏈川涓婄殑涓嶅悓銆?"Process Evaluation" is the internal course of "software process improvement," when used to ascertain the current situation and the objectives identified for improvement carried out. The "capability assessment" issued by the software contract were used to identify and select qualified contract contractor. Naturally, businesses, the officer may take different (!) Attitude and measures to carry out both the assessment. China's software industry is still very weak, and not be able to provide many of the "ability to evaluate staff" to undertake this very challenging, "capability assessment of" work. If the attempt to implement once a large number of "capability evaluation" activities, evaluation results of the reliability of the inevitable low.
銆?? 鍦–MM鐨勨?杞欢杩囩▼璇勪及鈥濅笌鈥滆蒋浠惰兘鍔涜瘎閴粹?娲诲姩涓紝閮戒細鐢ㄥ埌涓?唤绉颁负鈥滆蒋浠惰繃绋嬫垚鐔熷害鎻愰棶鍗曗?鐨勯棶鍗枫? Reviewers use this questionnaire to understand first of all an enterprise's software engineering process and the situation, then how on this basis to further the investigation (for "Software Capability Evaluation," it is further "evidence"), for example, and different positions for the staff interviews, access to documents, or the actual process of sampling the data records.
銆?? 鐒惰?锛屽鏋滃杩欎唤鈥滆蒋浠惰繃绋嬫垚鐔熷害鎻愰棶鍗曗?浣滃嚭濡傚疄鐨勫洖绛旂殑璇濓紝鎴戜滑灏卞彲浠ュ彇寰椾竴涓紒涓氱殑杞欢杩囩▼鎴愮啛搴︾殑杞粨銆?One answer to this question, only spent about an hour, interested peers imitate try not to an informal "Software Process Assessment." Try to answer the "single question of software process maturity" of a larger benefit is that the questionnaire in a most natural way to introduce your CMM's world, eliminating the mystery of CMM. You would think: "ah, probably is all about."
銆?? 鍚岃浠紝CMM鍙笉杩囨槸鎴戜滑鎵嬩腑鍙?鐢ㄥ拰鍙姞浠ユ敼閫犵殑涓?欢宸ュ叿锛屽畠骞朵笉鏄竴鍙鏉ユ帶鍒舵垜浠殑鎬墿锛岃鎴戜滑鍙戞尌鍚勮嚜鐨勮仾鏄庢墠鏅猴紝鍏呭垎鍦板埄鐢ㄥソ瀹冿紝骞跺姞浠ュ垱鏂般? (Of course, if we ourselves do not control this tool, and if the method used is not correct, CMM can indeed turn into a monster just to control us.)
銆?? 瀵逛簬鍦ㄤ腑鍥借蒋浠朵骇涓氫腑搴旂敤CMM锛岀瑪鑰呭垵姝ユ湁濡備笅寤鸿锛?br />銆?? a.涓撴敞浜庤蒋浠跺伐绋嬭繃绋嬫敼杩涳紙鍊熷姪浜庘?杞欢杩囩▼璇勪及鈥濓級锛岄櫎闈為渶瑕侊紝涓嶈鎼炶蒋浠惰兘鍔涜瘎閴达紝涓嶈鍘昏拷姹備粈涔堚?璁よ瘉鈥濓紝鈥滆瘎绾р?锛屸?鐧昏鈥濅笌鈥滄敞鍐屸?銆?br />銆?? b.杞欢杩囩▼绠$悊涓庢敼杩涚殑鍞竴鐩殑鏄細鎸夋椂锛屾寜棰勭畻鍦板紑鍙戝埗閫犻珮璐ㄩ噺鐨勮蒋浠朵骇鍝併? (Quality of one of which is: Products to meet market needs. If you can not do this, all in vain.)
銆?? c.鎶奀MM鍜屽叾浠栫殑妯″瀷涓庢爣鍑嗕綔涓哄弬鑰冿紝鑰屼笉鏄敓鎼‖濂椼? Use their professional discretion.
銆?? d.鎸夌収浼佷笟鑷韩鐨勭壒鐐广?瑕佹眰涓庢潯浠跺幓鍒惰杞欢杩囩▼鍜岄?鎷╁疄琛屾敼杩涚殑閮ㄥ垎銆?br />銆?? e.杞欢杩囩▼鐨勫缓绔嬩笌鏀硅繘瑕佹湁鐭?涓?闀挎湡鐨勭洰鏍囷紝鏈夌紦鎬ヤ箣鍒嗐? Do not want to achieve anything once. Do not suddenly undergo a major revamp. Not a gambling type of overall investment. In the choice of what to do first when there are two considerations may be: "weakest link", "most likely to be effective and there are significant."
銆?? f.鍗冧竾涓嶈涓?紑濮嬪氨鎶婄洰鏍囧畾寰楄繃楂樸? Not all at once to satisfy a capability maturity level of all the objectives, you can try some of the key processes as part of the key areas of practice. To gain experience gradually.
銆?? g.浼佷笟涓婂眰棰嗗瑕侀鍏堢悊瑙e缓绔嬭蒋浠惰繃绋嬬鐞嗗拰鏀硅繘鐨勯噸瑕侊紝骞朵翰鑷瀵艰繖浠跺伐浣溿? To ensure that the staffing process management. Top leadership of the persistent business participation is a prerequisite for success.
銆?? h.涓撲笟寮?彂浜哄憳瑕佸叏鍔涙敮鎸佷笌鍙備笌杩囩▼绠$悊鍜屾敼杩涖?
銆?? i.鍥藉鏀垮簻鐨勬斂绛栧埗璁㈣?瑕佸惉鍙栧浜庘?璁よ瘉鈥濈殑姝e弽涓ら潰鐨勬剰瑙併? Do not think you can simply use the implementation of the "certification", "rating" approach to enhance the capacity of the software industry. Only necessary as far as possible, limited "certification" and "rating" to choose a contracting business. And, after issuing the contract must be carried out construction supervision.
銆?? j.鍥藉鍦ㄨ储鏀夸笂鍗忓姪浼佷笟杩涜杞欢杩囩▼鏀硅繘銆?For example, fees paid to external advisory bodies can be considered for some or all tax deductible and so on.
銆?? k.浼佷笟澶栫殑鍜ㄨ鏈烘瀯涓?畾瑕佸鍙楀挩璇紒涓氱殑鈥滆繃绋嬭瘎浼扳?缁撴灉锛堝晢涓氭満瀵嗭級瀵瑰淇濆瘑銆?Only in this way can the enterprises within the "process of assessment" in the frank exposure to software problems existing in the process. To develop a real solution process improvement measures.
銆?? l.涓?釜 浼佷笟鎴栫粍缁囪繙杩滀笉鑳藉崟鍑竴鐐圭偣瀵筍W鈥擟MM鐨勮璇嗗氨浣滃嚭鏄惁鈥滃叏闈⑩?寮曡繘搴旂敤SW鈥擟MM鐨勫喅瀹氥? It is a very important decision. SW-CMM comprehensive introduction application scope is very broad, and requires human, financial and equipment resources input. Enterprises must be on the SW-CMM and the thorough understanding of all knowledge only after considering whether to introduce a comprehensive application of SW-CMM and SW-CMM to the introduction of application problems.
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